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Metrics in co-operation with SPSS Italia
has been delivering Business and Vocational Training courses since
Metrics is an accredited provider for
Training Courses and services under the Medical Continuing Education (ECM)
program of the Italian Health Ministry.
Training division features Seminars,
On-site courses, fixed-date courses.
Training Course on Cognitive

(October 2007) - A training course focused on human-centered design took
place at the "Cittadella
della Ricerca" in Brindisi. The course -held by Metrics
srl- was targeted to the design staff of CETMA. The Course is
split in two complementary modules. The content of the first module is
focusing on Usability, Accessibility and Ergonomics of industrial
products and ICT user interfaces. A second module addresses the
challenging issue of User Centered Design, where co-operation of
ergonomists, psycologists and engineers is considered a key success factor.
Courses and seminars
Human Centered Communication
An ever incresing attention is focused on
corporate and personal image, and communication effectiveness is a most
valuable asset in today's business and personal life.
Course/Seminar n.1
thru Internet

target: marketing & commercial
- Internet: a revolutionary medium
- Cognitive fundamentals on multimedia communications
- The flexible writing: hypertexts
- Effective communication in web sites
- Use of graphics: the right balance
- Visibility: introduction to Web-marketing
- Use of Electronic mail & mailing-list
Course/Seminar n.2
Corporate & business communication

mandatory to human resource managers, trade directors, CEOs and
managing directors
- On the spot: the message
- Corporate image
- Living in business environments: the Feng-Shui approach
- From visiting cards to Company presentation
- Organising and managing meetings
- Advertisement
- Exibitions, fairs, events
- Corporate image on the Internet who's involved?
Course/Seminar n.3
Personal communication

Speciallly addressed to all key persons (managers, directors,
CEOs) that simply cant'afford to fail in communicating effectively
- Your voice: something that needs training
- Speak and persuade
- All that shines in not gold ..but appears to be!
- Fundamentals of body language and non-verbal communication
- Clarity: syntactical and semantic aspects
- Empathetic and emotional communication
- NLP: neuro-linguistic-programming
- Public speeches